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News Media


Quanta Magazine - What Could Explain the Gallium Anomaly? - July 12

Cracked Magazine - An Astrophysicist Tries to Make Sense of Rick’s Portal Gun from ‘Rick and Morty’ - July 5

OC Register - For Irvine’s Great Park, an Armenian genocide memorial is in the works - January 11


OC Register - Planning started for an Armenian Genocide memorial in Irvine Great Park - March 3


UCI News - Unlocking Potential - October 24

New University - Faculty Spotlight: Physics and Astronomy Professor Dr. Kevork Abazajian - September 26

LA Times - Irvine has fallen behind on achieving ambitious carbon neutral goal, activists say - August 31

UCI News - California approves $5 million to fund diversity in science and technology education - July 8

OC Register - Irvine mayor’s efforts to repair relations with Armenian community could lead to memorial, school curriculum - June 22

The Blunt Post - Armenophobia Gets Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan Orange Country
Democratic Party’s Endorsement - April 24


Symmetry Magazine - Is dark matter cold, warm or hot? - October 21


Universe Today - The Destruction of Dark Matter isn’t Causing Extra Radiation at the Core of the Milky Way - September 22

Science Alert - There's a Strange Glow in The Centre of Our Galaxy, And It's Not What We Thought It Was - August 28

UCI News, Phys.orgEureka Alert - Study rules out dark matter destruction as origin of extra radiation in galaxy center - August 26

Science Magazine - Physicists brawl over new dark matter claim - March 26


OC Register - Irvine can lead fight on climate change, by transitioning to solar - September 12

The Daily Galaxy - A Message From the Phantom Cosmos? - December 21


Symmetry Magazine - Already Beyond the Standard Model - October 25

Scientific American - Evidence Builds for a New Kind of Neutrino - June 7

Science News - Mysterious neutrino surplus hints at the existence of new particles - June 1

Science Magazine - Signal from age of the first stars could shake up search for dark matter - February 28


OC Register - Hundreds gather at UCI to witness ‘Great American Eclipse’ - August 22

Inside Higher Education - Scientists Who Have Had Enough - June 30

Interviewed by BBC Newshour regarding candidate X-ray signal of dark matter - (20 million listeners) - February 2


Scientific American - Physics Confronts Its Heart of Darkness - August 31

Nature - Icy telescope throws cold water on sterile neutrino theory - August 8 (reprinted in Scientific American)

Science News - Debate accelerates on universe’s expansion speed - July 22

Scientific American - Doomed Spacecraft Shows Tantalizing Hints of Surprising Black Hole Behavior - July 7

Inside Science News - Physicists Look Beyond WIMPs For Dark Matter - April 28

Nature - Measurement of Universe's expansion rate creates cosmological puzzle - April 11


Scientific American - Mysterious Glow at Milky Way's Center Could Be Dark Matter or Hidden Pulsars - November 18

New Scientist - Bright light may not be dark matter’s smoking gun after all
- October 29

Science Magazine - Have physicists seen the dying flash of dark matter? - October 1

Science Magazine News - X-ray signal from outer space points to dark matter - September 25

Union of Concerned Scientists’ Science Network Profile - March 17

Nature - “Crunch time for pet theory on dark matter” - January 21


American Physical Society Journals Viewpoint - “X-Ray Line May Have Dark Matter Origin” - December 15

Science News - “Gamma rays offer mixed messages on identity of dark matter” - November 4

Scientific American - “Evidence Builds for Dark Matter Explosions at the Milky Way’s Core” - October 28

New Scientist - “Fresh hints of dark matter at Milky Way's core” - October 27

American Physical Society Journals Synopsis: “Sterile Neutrino as Dark Matter Candidate” - April 24

Scientific American - “Dark Matter May Be Destroying Itself in Milky Way’s Core” - April 8

Quanta Magazine - “Case for Dark Matter Signal Strengthens” - March 3


BRAVO UCI - Distinguished Award for Assistant Professor in Research - December 20


Discover Magazine - #8 Breakthrough of the Year - “Mapping the Dark Cosmos” - December 21 - “Dark Matter Exposed? Gamma-Ray Find Excites Scientists” -
August 15

OC Register - “UCI Find: A glimpse of mysterious 'dark matter?'” - Local Copy - August 13

Science Magazine - Gamma-Ray Glow Hints at Dark Matter in the Center of Our Galaxy - July 27

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