iOS VoiceOver Checklist

□         Contains semantic headers.

□         Elements possess descriptive labels.
Try using the screen curtain – 3 finger triple tap.

□         Images are described.

□         Selected states are communicated.

□         The reading order is logical.
Try a two finger swipe up to read the page, start to finish.

□         Overlay contents are separated from the background.

□         After a manual trigger, there is feedback.

□         Significant events are communicated.

□         Feedback is given when users reach an edge.

□         Errors are communicated.

□         Keyboard entry is minimized.

□         Elements on the page are grouped in logical units.

□         Buttons are used for “clickable” elements.

□         The escape gesture (2 finger scrub) is supported.

□         Paging (three finger swipe left/right) is supported.

□         Magic tap (two finger double tap) is available for primary actions.

VoiceOver and PowerPoint

The short answer is that VoiceOver will not read PowerPoint content (or MS Office content) on a Mac. There is no support for the MS Office environment on a Mac using VoiceOver at the present time.

From the MS Office website:

“Hear most menu commands, options in dialog boxes, and other elements on your computer screen. VoiceOver does not work with the contents of the main document window or the ribbon. For example, VoiceOver does not read your text in a document.”

More information is available at:

So, it may be necessary to convert the PPT file into another format for the student. I know that Pages works well with VoiceOver, so one option may be to convert the PPT file into an RTF document and open it with Pages (or TextEdit).

Sean Keegan