“We’re going to see as much change in the next twenty years as we saw in the last thousand years because of this acceleration . . . that’s how this technology evolves.”

“So, if you go to 2030s, and talk to them, you’re going to be talking to a brain that is partly biological and partly non-biological.”

–Ray Kurzweil on CBC Ideas


It’s 2037. Your brain is now partly biological, and partly non-biological. Looking back on the enormous technological transformations that have occurred in your lifetime, what do you miss the most about the world of 2017?


This Writing asks you to imagine the future, inflected by Ray Kurzweil and Bill Joy’s visions. Is the future a technopositivist utopia, or an apocalyptic nightmare? This is an opportunity for a creative response: be bold!


Writing 2 is due at 11:55PM on Sunday, February 19.


Exemplary Responses

Crystal Ho

Carlos Directo

John Garza

Sarah Ahn

Devin Kadrie

Jessica Nguyen

Victoria Macias

Anthony Perez

Anna Ramirez

Katrina Yip