
Links to programming examples for:

Computer Audio and Music Programming
Music 147 / CompSci 190 — Spring 2014
University of California, Irvine

[Each link below leads to a blog post containing a Max patch and explanatory text. The caption underneath the Max patch image is linked to a file of JSON code containing the actual Max patch. Click on the image caption to download the .maxpat file directly to disk, which you can then open in Max.]

Example 1: The error object
Example 2: Providing a full path name
Example 3: Using the full path when opening a file
Example 4: Synthesize a sinusoid in MSP
Example 5: Generate a sinusoid with gen~
Example 6: Print values of a sinusoid (Java)
Example 7: Vibrato
Example 8: Linear control function
Example 9: Mix two signals
Example 10: Mix two signals (more efficiently)
Example 11: Using MIDI pitchbend data in MSP
Example 12: Metronome using General MIDI sounds
Example 13: Tap to set tempo
Example 14: Probability distribution vector (JavaScript)
Example 15: iOS Oscillator app (Objective C)
Example …