The message below was sent on 6/13 to all instructors who have Canvas course spaces with 200 or more enrolled students.


You are receiving this email because you are an instructor of a large class in Canvas. Due to limitations within Canvas, transferring final grades from Canvas to WebGrades takes longer for large classes. It may, for instance, take 15-20 minutes for a class with 500+ students.

If you are using the option to transfer grades from Canvas to WebGrades, please allow that process to run uninterrupted and it should complete successfully. However, if you see a ‘page failed to load’ error message at any point, please let us know at and we will investigate and follow up with you as quickly as possible (we know that with the grades deadline approaching, any barriers here are a high priority).

Given the known delay in this area, we advise you to start the grades transfer process as soon as is workable for you.

EEE developers have explored our options for addressing this and determined that this process could be made more efficient if Instructure made changes to the Grades API options. Instructure is currently working on a new version of their Grades tool and we will be watching for improvements in this area.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.