What is EEE+ Evaluations?

The EEE+ Evaluations Pilot app provides a streamlined customizable midterm evaluations tool to instructors for their classes.

The tool was made available as a limited pilot during Spring Quarter 2017. During the next several months, OIT will continue to enhance EEE+ Evaluations to include features requested during the pilot, as well as to achieve feature parity with the EEE Legacy Evaluations tool.

What was the pilot?

The EEE+ Evaluations Pilot results are available as a PDF (requires Adobe Acrobat or another PDF reader)

In partnership with OIT’s EEE+ developers, instructors will help to determine the direction of future development for this new application, as well as identify any issues that need to be resolved.

EEE+ Evaluations can be used only for unofficial midterm evaluations one or more times throughout the quarter. Instructors are able to:

  • Create a custom midterm feedback form with your own questions and response options
  • Send a unique link to students for them to participate
  • Set an open and close period for your evaluation
  • View your results

Contact us with any questions

  • Any instructor at UCI has access to create and publish forms, as well as gather and review responses