Updated 3/31/2016 with Winter Quarter 2016 results

Please indicate how easy or difficult it was to use Canvas to accomplish each task


  Easy to use Somewhat easy to use Not easy to use Didn’t use Total
Find my courses 3,347 1,499 553 722 6,121
Look up information in the course space 2,688 2,021 998 385 6,092
Look up my grades/scores 3,372 1,408 517 814 6,111
Read and/or participate in class discussions in the online forums 2,356 1,458 671 1,627 6,112
Read messages sent to the class 2,378 1,866 839 1,018 3,101
Take quizzes 2,140 1,023 377 2,571 6,111
Turn in assignments 3,097 1,225 415 1,373 6,110
Watch recorded lectures 2,168 1,046 444 2,424 6,100

How would you rate the overall ease of use of Canvas?


Responses %
Easy to use 3,136 52%
Somewhat easy to use 2,337 39%
Not easy to use 615 10%
Total 6,088

Do you think that the use of Canvas had an impact on the quality of the class?


Responses %
Yes, positive impact 2,848 47%
Yes, but negative impact 596 9%
No 1,069 18%
No opinion 1,570 26%
Total 6,083

Given your experience with Canvas, if you had the opportunity to take the exact same class/instructor but had to choose one system, which would you choose?


Responses %
EEE 1,770 29%
Canvas 2,234 37%
Doesn’t matter to you 2,070 34%
Total 6,074