
Congratulations to Postdoc Niels Hauksson for having an NSF RAPID grant funded to study the effects of El Nino on the Santa Clara River carbon cycle!

Sheila Griffin has archived our coral collection with Dr. Nathalie Goodkin at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The collection is now available to researchers for future generations! Nice job, Ms. Griffin!

We are excited that our undergrad Taylor Hart is now studying abroad in Australia during the fall 2024 quarter! She is working in locations including Heron Island to learn about the ecosystems that sustain our planet! 

Our Research Lab focuses on the cycling of marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and why it is thousands of 14C years old, despite evidence that most of it is produced in the surface ocean during photosynthesis of modern carbon. An ancient component of marine DOC is black carbon, produced by combustion of fossil fuels and biomass on land. We are studying black carbon abundance and 14C, and other components of DOC, and how they cycle through the ocean.

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