
This writing assignment is NOT an integrated paper, but rather separate responses to questions. Nevertheless, you should strive for clear, elegant prose, without grammatical errors or typos. Your assignments must include citations, in Chicago style, included as footnotes. More details about the expectations for written work are in the course syllabus. If you have questions, please get in touch with me before the due date.

ALL ACADEMIC WRITING SHOULD HAVE A CLEARLY ARTICULATED ARGUMENT. Your responses to each of the following questions should have a strong thesis statement.

1. Historiography (2-3 pages, approx. 750 words)
A) How do you account for the similarities and differences in the four published accounts of this rebellion? Which of the accounts is the most satisfying explanation of the rebellion, and why?

B). What aspects of the trial records do the published accounts overlook? How do you account for both the emphases and the omissions of this literature?

C) Compare the changing historiography of the Houd den Bek rebellion with other changes in historical interpretations of African history. Explain the similarities or differences you notice.

2. Writing your own history (3-4 pages, approx. 1000 words)
This is your opportunity to create a history, to write like a historian. This process involves narrating events of the past, explaining why they happened, and making a case for why this matters.

Focus on one aspect of the trial records that you find most compelling. What do you think is going on in this story? How would you begin to answer the questions you have?
It is okay for this section to be a bit tentative; you don’t have access to all the secondary literature you would need to construct a full-blown response; you have license to use your imagination–bounded by references to the source material you do have available.