Frédéric Saussez

2014 Visiting Associate Researcher
School of Education



I am Associate Professor at the University of Sherbrooke Faculty of Education. I will spend most of my sabbatical as a UCI School of Education Visiting Researcher. I will collaborate with Associate Professor Rossella Santagata and other colleagues on the topic of learning from teaching activity and professional development in the Center for Research on Teacher Development and Professional Practice. This stay should allow me to become familiar with another research culture.

I originally come from Belgium where I spent the first 40 years of my life. I first completed a master’s degree in social psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve before working for several years. Then I completed a master’s degree in education science while working as a junior researcher in the field of research on teacher education at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. I left Belgium in 1999 to complete my Ph.D. at the university of Ottawa in Canada. While immigrating, I also made ​​an intellectual migration. I slowly centered my research concerns in the meta-theoretical and theoretical framework of cultural historical psychology. Subsequently, I was a postdoctoral fellow for three years at the University of Montreal Canada Research Chair on occupations in Education.

For several years, my field of research has been the analysis of teachers’ work and teacher education. More specifically, I am trying to formalize 1) how disciplinary subcultures shape teacher work and teachers’ conceptions about teaching and learning and 2) how teaching activity analysis (their own or that of others) contributes to learning to teach and professional development. Cultural historical psychology and Ergonomic psychology are the two main theoretical frames of my work.

I am also involved as a co principal investigator in various research not directly related to my research topic: (1) transition between work and school in adult education, (2) relationship between students’ representations of the writing process and their writing pratices during learning, and (3) institutionalization of Evidence-Based-Education in Canada and the analysis of Relationship between Educational Policies, Research, and Teachers’ Work.


My publications are in French. I have provided the translation of some of the following:


Saussez, F. (2012). Les sous cultures disciplinaires en formation initiale à l’enseignement secondaire au Québec, un objet de recherche et de formation à problématiser (Disciplinary sub-cultures in secondary teacher preparation in Quebec as an object of research?), Revue Suisse des Sciences de l’Éducation, 34, 461-482.

Saussez, F. et Lessard, C. (2009). Entre orthodoxie et pluralisme, les enjeux de l’Éducation Basée sur la Preuve (Between orthodoxy and pluralism, the stakes in evidence-based education) Revue Française de Pédagogie, 168, 111-136.

Saussez, F & Loiola, F. (2008). Les conceptions de l’enseignement des professeurs d’université sous la lunette de la psychologie culturelle. D’une analyse critique de la littérature à des perspectives pour la recherché (Conceptions of university professors about teaching under the scope of cultural psychology. A critical review of research). Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation, XXXIV, 569-600.

Saussez, F. and Yvon, F. (2014). Problème de la co analyse du travail en formation à l’enseignement. Apprentissage et développement du métier (Problem with teachers’work analysis in teacher education). Dans L., Paquay, M., Altet, J., Desjardins, R., Étienne, P., Perrenoud (Dir.). La prise en compte du travail réel et de la prescription dans la formation des enseignants. À paraître chez De Boeck Université.


Yvon, F. & Saussez, F. (2010). Analyser l’activité enseignante : des outils méthodologiques et théoriques pour l’intervention et la formation (Analyzing the teaching activity: theoretical and methodological tools for intervention and training). Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Guest Editor for Scientific Journal

Saussez, F. and Périsset, D. (2014). TranslationS. Problems and challenges of translation in the field of Educational Research. Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 36 (2).

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