Will the New ACHA Cure Republicans Infected With Obfuscative Pablum?

Will the New ACHA Cure Republicans Infected With Obfuscative Pablum?

The Republicans, once again, are working on a health plan in secret. Then they plan to immediately vote on it before it can be analyzed by Democrats, or the medical community or their associations, or possibly even the implementing Department of Health and Human Services, or by the public, or by those covered by the ACA, or maybe even by Governors and State legislatures who carry out the plan, or by Health Care Providers, or by the Congressional Budget Office, or by the Office of Management and Budget.

All of these play a part in determining how many will be disallowed or priced out of coverage, or receive so little coverage that they will go bankrupt, and possibly even have to sell their homes.

To add chutzpah to greediness, the Republicans will undoubtedly again attach a large tax cut for the very rich, since President Obama’s ACA does tax the rich to pay for Medicaid subsidies. Any healthcare plan the shortchanges the sick and needy to provide tax cuts for the wealthy is obviously not a plan that improves health care, as Trump has promised.
And now to this new Republican disease, Obfuscative Pablum. By swift passage,


Republicans can obfuscate what damage they have done, and are undoubtedly unaware of, since their health bill will not have been even un-extremely vetted by experts and by those concerned. The pablum is of course what the public will be fed by them, in the process of selling the un-examined bill.


The fraudulent nature of the bill is emphasized daily as Paul Ryan and Donald Trump struggle for each vote just to pass the bill in the Senate, even by a single VP tie-breaking vote. Is this serving all, or democracy, especially in the realm of health care that covers all of us, to pass a bill that is so onerous that it can only pass by one vote?

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
This entry was posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Donald Trump, Health Care, Humor, Trump Administration, Trump Tax Cuts. Bookmark the permalink.

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