June 22 Update on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary

June 22 Update on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary

Democrat Harley Rouda has increased his lead over Democrat Hans Keirstead to 125 votes, from 97 yesterday, and 62 the day before.

An air pollution group has now determined that Trump’s setbacks on clean air will cost 80,000 American deaths over the next decade.

The final election results are now planned for next Tuesday.  There are only an estimated 568 ballots left to count for all of Orange County.  Out of 1.48 million registered voters in Orange County, 0.634 million voted for 42.8%.

The 48th district has a standard district population of 0.712 million.   The 48th has 0.540 million adults over 18, so the 0.174 million who voted in this primary are only 32% of adults.  There are 0.38o million registered to vote, so 46% voted in the primary. Lots more to register and to recruit to vote.

Leader Dana Rohrabacher, the 30 year incumbent Republican Representative now has 52,722 votes, up 48 from yesterday, which was up 78 from the day before, and 76 the day before that.

Leading Democrat Harley Rouda has 30,089 votes, up 73 from yesterday, which was up 92 the day before, and 51 the day before that.

Slowly sinking Democrat Hans Keirstead has 29,964 votes, up 45 from yesterday, which was up 57 the day before, and 58 the day before that.

Republican Scott Baugh now has 27,504 votes, up 21 from yesterday, which was up 30 from the day before, and 41 the day before that.

The total of Republican votes is 92,282, up by 83 from yesterday, 131 the day before, and 148 before that.

The total of Democratic votes is 80,031, up by 139 from yesterday, which was up 177 from the day before, and 159 before that.

Total CA 48th district votes total 173,967, and are up by 224, which increased by 310 the day before, and 311 the day before that. So we are slowly slowing down.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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