The Merck Manual – Professional Edition

UCIrvine iMedEd iPad App Review

App Name: The Merck Manual – Professional Edition

Price: $34.99

Brief Description:
The Merck Manual is a resource for medical professionals that provides clinical information on a multitude of diseases. It allows you to search by symptom, section, or keyword. The resource provides essential information on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of numerous common and obscure conditions alike.

The Merck Manual is a very good reference source for medical information. It is the medical reference app most similar to, and may even be a better information source. The information provided is both accurate and concise. I like that there are multiple ways to search for information including by symptoms, section, or index. I am easily able to find the information I need. When I have a patient with a particular condition, I am able to read the section in the Merck manual quickly, which helps me to formulate my notes and prepare for rounds efficiently.

The app is not very visually appealing. It reads like a manual or website page. Many of the graphics (diagrams, tables, charts) require the use of links/pop-ups.

Overall rating (Scale of 1-10, 10 is highest): 9
Recommend for medical students: Yes

Reviewer Name: Aliyah Khan, MS4
University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
Review Date: August 9, 2012

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