Summer Lexis and Westlaw (and Bloomberg Law)

Don’t forget to register if you want to use your student legal research accounts over the summer! Note that Lexis and Westlaw both have restrictions on what kind of work you can do with your student accounts – read the terms and conditions carefully.

  • Lexis: Go to and log in, then click “2012 Summer Access.” Follow the instructions to get access to Lexis Advance for the summer. (Note that a form to ask for summer access to regular might be available later this month.)
  • Westlaw: Go to and choose either “Current Student” or “Graduating Student,” whichever applies to you.
  • Bloomberg Law (a new option for 2012). Use this google form this form to request a student ID for Bloomberg Law, a newer research platform. (Bloomberg registration is different; it can take a few days to process a request for a new password.)

Questions about Lexis or Westlaw? Contact your student representatives or your account representatives. Check home pages (not research pages) for contact information: or

Update 7/30/2012 – New Bloomberg Law Registration Form.