University of California, Irvine

Using satellite observations, field measurements, models, and machine learning approaches, we study human modification of biogeochemical cycles and climate. We seek to improve our understanding of interactions between humans, ecosystems, and climate change that influence the long-term sustainability of the Earth System. 

News from the Climate, Carbon, Fires Dynamics Lab

Audrey Odwuor awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Audrey for her selection this spring as a recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Audrey's thesis work is on using isotope measurements of fire emissions from the Amazon and the western US to quantify characteristics about fuel...

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Updates on the 2019 Amazon fires

We are tracking the evolution of fires in the Amazon. Please check out the Global Fire Emissions Database website for daily updates. The number of fires in the Legal Amazon was unusually high and fire temperatures were considerably above normal at the time of this...

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