Year: 2013 Posts

New Drawing Blog

"We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us, the sooner we get them out the better." – Walt Stanchfield I love to draw. I always have. However, when I haven't drawn in a while I get performance anxiety and don't want to draw anything poorly. I love the quote by Walt...

DIY Websites

UCI hosted the annual UC IT conference, UCCSC, this year. Each summer one of the 10 University of California campuses hosts the conference which brings IT professionals together for two days of sessions relating to the work we do. I presented for the first time this...

Cat Ipsum

Have you ever used "Lorem ipsum"? If so, you'll likely recognize the placeholder text used to demonstrate where content should go in a print or web design. Have you ever been bored with Lorem ipsum and looked for alternatives? Look no further, if you share a home with...

Benefits of Accessibility and SEO

This is a good overview of how web accessibility and search engine optimization are important and how they go hand-in-hand. Understanding the benefits of accessibility and SEO Improving SEO Using Accessibility Techniques | by Morten Rand-Hendriksen View this entire...