
Bru, J.L., Kasallis, S., Zhuo, Q., Høyland-Kroghsbo, N.M., and A. Siryaporn, Swarming of P. aeruginosa: through the lens of biophysics, Biophysics Reviews. [In Press]

Bru, J.L., Kasallis, S., Chang, R., Zhuo, Q., Nguyen, J., Pham, P., Warren, E., Whiteson, K., Høyland-Kroghsbo, N.M., Limoli, D.H., and A. Siryaporn, (2023) The great divide: rhamnolipids mediate separation between P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Front. Cell. and Inf. Micro.

Kasallis, S., Bru, J-L., Chang, R., Zhuo, Q., and A. Siryaporn, (2023) Understanding how bacterial collectives organize on surfaces by tracking surfactant flow. Curr Opin Solid State Mater Sci, Jun;27(3): 101080. https://doi: 10.1016/j.cossms.2023.101080

Urban, L. A., Trinh, A., Pearlman, E., Siryaporn, A., and T.L Downing, (2021) The impact of aging-related hypomethylated DNA on immune signaling upon cellular demise. Trends in Immunology, 42(6): 464-468. PMID: 33994111

Duong, L., Gross, S.P., and A. Siryaporn, (2021) Developing antimicrobial synergy with AMPs, Frontiers in Medical Technology, 3:640981.

Bru, J.L., Høyland-Kroghsbo, N.M., and A. Siryaporn, (2021) Stress response and spatial organization in biofilms, in “Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation” series, Physical Biology, PMID: 33462162.

Duong, L., *Gross, S.P., and *A. Siryaporn, (2020) A novel antibacterial strategy: histone and antimicrobial peptide synergy (MicroReview), Microbial Cell, 7(11).

Doolin, T., Amir, H.M., Duong, L., Rosenzweig, R., Urban, L.A., Bosch, M., Pol, A., *Gross, S.P., and *A. Siryaporn, (2020) Mammalian histones facilitate antimicrobial synergy by disrupting the bacterial proton gradient and chromosome organization, Nature Communications.

Doolin, T., *Gross, S., & *A. Siryaporn, (2020) “Physical Mechanisms of Bacterial Killing by Histones,” Physical Microbiology, Springer,

Bru, J.L., Siryaporn, A. & N.M. Høyland-Kroghsbo, (2020) “Time-lapse imaging of bacterial swarms and the collective stress response,” J. Vis. Exp.

Perinbam, K., Chacko, J.V., Kannan, A., Digman, M.A., A. Siryaporn, (2020) A shift in central metabolism accompanies virulence activation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mBio 11(2): e02730-18.

Fields, F., Manzo, G., Hind, C., Janardhanan, J., Foik, I.,  Do Carma Silva, P., Balsara, R., Clifford, M., Vu, H., Ross, J., Kalwajtys, V., Gonzalez, A., Bui, T., Ploplis, V., Castellino, F., Siryaporn, A., Chang, M., Sutton, J., Mason, A. & Lee, Shaun, (2020) Synthetic antimicrobial peptide tuning permits membrane disruption and interpeptide synergy, ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science.

Bru, J.L., Rawson, B., Trinh, C., Whiteson, K., Høyland-Kroghsbo, N. , & A. Siryaporn, (2019) The collective stress response enables Pseudomonas aeruginosa to evade bacteriophage and antibiotics, J. Bact. 201(23): e00383-19.

Sanfilippo, J., Lorestani, A., Koch, M.D., Bratton, B.P., Siryaporn, A., Stone, H.A., Z. Gitai, (2019) Microfluidic-based transcriptomics reveal force-independent bacterial rheosensing. Nat. Micro.

Klumpp, S., Siryaporn, A., S. van Teeffelen, (2019) Focus on bacterial mechanics, New Journal of Physics 21.

Rosenzweig, R., Perinbam, K., Ly, V.K., Ahrar, S., Siryaporn, A.*, A. Yee*, (2019) Nanopillared Surfaces Disrupt Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mechano-responsive Upstream Motility. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11(11): 10532–10539.

Trivedi, R. , Crooks, J., Auer, J., Pendry, J., Siryaporn, A., Abbott, N., Gitai, Z. and D. Weibel, (2018) Mechanical genomic studies reveal the role of D-alanine metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell stiffness. mBio 9(5): e01340-18.

Perinbam, K., A. Siryaporn, (2018) A rapid image-based bacterial virulence assay using amoeba, J Vis Exp 136.

Kannan, A., Z. Yang, M.K. Kim, Z. Gitai & H. Stone & A. Siryaporn, (2018) Dynamic switching enables efficient bacterial colonization in flow, Proc Natl Acad Sci 115(21): 5438-5443.

Hedde, P.N., Malacrida, L., Ahrar, S., Siryaporn, A., E. Gratton, (2017) sideSPIM – Selective plane illumination based on a conventional inverted microscope, Biomedical Optics Express,  8(9): 3918-3937;

Persat, A., C.D. Nadell, M.K. Kim, F. Ingremeau, A. Siryaporn, N.S. Wingreen, B.L. Bassler, Z. Gitai, H.A. Stone, (2015) The Mechanical World of Bacteria. Cell, 161(5): 988-997.

Siryaporn, A., M. Y. Kim, Y. Shen, H. Stone & Z. Gitai, (2015) Colonization, competition and dispersal of pathogens in fluid flow networks. Current Biology, 25(9): 1201-1207.

Miller, L.C., C.T. O’Loughlin, Z. Zhang, A. Siryaporn, B. Bassler & M. Semmelhack, (2015) Development of potent inhibitors of pyocyanin production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Med. Chem. 58(3):1298-1306.

Siryaporn, A., S. L. Kuchma, G. A. O’Toole & Z. Gitai, (2014) Surface attachment induces P. aeruginosa virulence. PNAS 111(47): 16860-16865.

Cowles, K .N., T. S. Moser, A. Siryaporn, N. Nyakudarika, W. Dixon, J. J. Turner, and Z. Gitai, (2013) The putative Poc complex controls two distinct Pseudomonas aeruginosa polar motility mechanisms. Mol Microbiol 90(5): 923-938.

O’Loughlin, C.T., L. C. Miller, A. Siryaporn, K. Drescher, M. Semmelhack & B. Bassler, (2013) A quorum-sensing inhibitor blocks Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and biofilm formation. PNAS 110(44): 17981-6.

Shen, Y.*, A. Siryaporn, S. Lecuyer, Z. Gitai & H. Stone, (2012) Flow Directs Surface-Attached Bacteria to Twitch Upstream. Biophys J 103(1): 146-151.

Bakshi, S., A. Siryaporn, M. Goulian & J.C. Weisshaar, (2012) Superresolution Imaging of Ribosomes and RNA Polymerase in Live Escherichia coli Cells. Mol Microbiol 85(1): 21-38.

Siryaporn, A., B. S. Perchuk, M. T. Laub & M. Goulian, (2010) Evolving a robust signal transduction pathway from weak cross-talk. Mol Syst Biol 6: 452.

Siryaporn, A<. & M. Goulian, (2010) Characterizing cross-talk in vivo: avoiding pitfalls and overinterpretation. Methods Enzymol 471: 1-16.

Siryaporn, A. & M. Goulian, (2008) Cross-talk suppression between the CpxA-CpxR and EnvZ-OmpR two-component systems in E. coli. Mol Microbiol 70: 494-506.

Skerker, J. M., B. S. Perchuk, A. Siryaporn, E. A. Lubin, O. Ashenberg, M. Goulian & M. T. Laub, (2008) Rewiring the specificity of two-component signal transduction systems. Cell 133: 1043-1054.

Lizotte, D. L., J. J. Blakeslee, A. Siryaporn, J. T. Heath & A. DeLong, (2008) A PP2A active site mutant impedes growth and causes misregulation of native catalytic subunit expression. J Cell Biochem 103: 1309-1325.


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