Maria Julia Massimelli

Mailing address: Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 2.45.45 PM
2232 McGaugh Hall
Irvine, CA 92697


Phone number: (949) 824-7998

Current position: LPSOE

Institution: UCI (Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)

Years at institution: <1

Courses taught: M114L Biochemistry laboratory (~60-80)
M137 Microbial genetics (~30-40)
M122 General Microbiology lecture (~450)
M118L Microbiology laboratory (~100-200)

Meetings: ASMCUE (American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate educators)

Presentations: ASMCUE. Julia Massimelli. A 3-months grant proposal writing activity for undergraduate students. May 15-18th, Double-Tree by Hilton Boston North Shore, Danvers, MA.

Research interests:Teaching strategies to immerse students in the scientific field (research-labs, grant proposal writing, paper discussions).