
Professor Teoh is the Dean’s Professor of Accounting. She earned her MBA and PhD from the University of Chicago, and M.Sc and B.Sc. (Econ) from the London School of Economics. She has served on the faculty at UCLA, University of Michigan, and The Ohio State University.

Her research is primarily in the area of information and capital markets, a topic that is at the intersection of accounting, finance, and economics. She studies how firm values, manager and investor behavior, and economic welfare are affected by accounting information, the form of presentation of the information, and the timing of the disclosure to investors. She studies how capital market participants misconstrue accounting information and how managers correspondingly behave opportunistically to take advantage of investor misperceptions. Such market misperceptions derive from the imperfectly rational psychology of market participants, including limited attention.

She received the Moskowitz Prize for best paper on socially responsible investing from the Social Investment Forum. Her work on earnings management has been widely cited by scholars in accounting and finance for the important finding that the market seems not to efficiently impound management’s actions into security prices. She has published over 45 articles in the leading journals in accounting, finance, and economics. They include The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Financial Studies, and the Rand Journal of Economics.