What is An Actuary?

Actuaries are mathematicians that calculate event risk and the financial implications involved. Analysis usually falls under insurance fields, but an actuarial education makes one suited for many industries. Actuaries tend to have mastery in one or more of the following: statistics, business, economics, finance, and computer science.

Top Reasons to Consider Becoming An Actuary

  • A Top-Ranked Job
  • Great Compensation
  • Merit-Based Career
  • Smart Work
  • Good Work-Life Balance
  • Superior Job Security
  • No Required Graduate Degree

The actuarial profession only requires a Bachelor’s degree. How come? Actuaries only need a Bachelor’s degree because they must pass a set of exams. Don’t fret, you do not need to pass all exams before getting an entry level position. Completion of the exams can vary greatly depending on pace. Upon completion of these exams, you are recognized internationally for the vast knowledge you have acquired.