About me

I am a third year mathematics graduate student at UC Irvine. Before that I was an undergraduate at UCLA. I’m interested in differential geometry. In my free time I enjoy painting, reading, beach-ing, and gaming.


email: acusenza AT uci DOT edu


The following are with the Polymath REU, 2020

Extending Zeckendorf’s Theorem to a Non-constant Recurrence Relation

Bounds on Zeckendorf Games

Winning Strategy for Multiplayer and Multialliance Zeckendorf Game

Notes and Presentations

A Friendly Introduction to Complex Geometry, 2023: slides

Minimal Surfaces and Bubbles, 2022: notes, slides

With DIMACS REU, 2021: My personal DIMACS website , internal report and presentation

The Laplace Equation and the Mean Value Property, 2021: slides

Why Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem fails in infinite dimensions, 2021: notes

Last updated September 2024