I have used the International Disaster Database, which gathers most of disasters in the world since 1900. For practical reasons, I have filtered the data from 1989 to now (to avoid having a map with some countries that don’t exist anymore) and I have removed the events with very few impacts or occurences (1 meteor impacts for instance).
I have used Tableau, with different type of graphics and different filters and interactivity tools. You can download the full worksbook with data integrated on my Tableau Profile.
You for for instance select one type of impacts (deaths, damages in USD, number of events), and on type of events to see the time serie of it as well as the geographic distribution of it.
You can also select one country and see its profile in term of events distribution and time evolution.
We should note that the damages are the direct damages and do NOT come from integrated assessement. I.E. droughts damage for instance are direct costs associated with droughts (typically loss of revenue due to lower yield) and are therefore largely underestimated.