Aniket Shivam



I am currently working as a Senior Compute Architect at NVIDIA.
My work focuses on implementation and optimization of Math and Deep Learning libraries such as CUTLASS and others.
I graduated with a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Irvine (UCI).
My research interests lie in the fields of Compilers and High-Performance Computing.
More specifically, I have worked on Loop Optimizations (including Auto-Vectorization techniques and Polyhedral Model based techniques) as part of my PhD dissertation.
I have also worked on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist compilers and compiler optimizations, and study the impact of compiler optimizations on energy efficiency.
I developed a meta-compilation framework, the MCompiler, for improved performance and efficiency.
Previously, I have interned at NVIDIA, Intel and Samsung Research America working on various compilers, runtime libraries and performing hardware-oriented optimizations for CPUs and GPUs.

Work Experience

Senior Compute Architect, NVIDIA
Since July 2021, Santa Clara, CA
Deep Learning Performance Library Intern, NVIDIA
June - Sept 2020, Santa Clara, CA
Performance Tools Pathfinding Intern, Intel
June - Sept 2019, Austin, TX
Mentor: David Kuck, Intel Fellow
Intern Compiler Engineer (PGI OpenACC/GPGPU team), NVIDIA
June - Sept 2017, Hillsboro, OR
Mentor: Michael Wolfe
Intern Compiler Engineer (PGI OpenACC/GPGPU team), NVIDIA
July - Sept 2016, Hillsboro, OR
Mentor: Michael Wolfe
Intern Compiler Engineer (GPU Compiler team), Samsung Research America (SRA)
June - Sept 2015, Mountain View, CA


PhD, Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
June 2021
Advisors: Alex Veidenbaum and Alex Nicolau
MS, Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
June 2016
BTech, Computer Science, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Uttarakhand, India
June 2014


Pedagogical Research

PhD Dissertation

Master Thesis

Academic Services

Media Coverage and Talks


Email: aniketsh AT uci DOT edu