
External Funding & UCI Support

The Anteater Virtues project is generously funded by the University of California, Irvine, via the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation. From 2022-25, the project has also received substantial funding from the John Templeton Foundation (‘Embedding the Development of Intellectual Character within a University Curriculum’, #62330; PI: Duncan Pritchard; co-PIs: Richard Arum & Jason Baehr). From 2024-27, the project will be supported by a second large grant from the John Templeton Foundation (‘Cultivating Intellectual Character in the AI Age’, #63365; PI: Shayan Doroudi; co-PIs: Duncan Pritchard and Gabriel Avakian Orona). The Anteater Virtues project is hosted by the Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society and works closely with the UCI MUST project.

Partner Organizations

The project has several partners, with more to be announced soon. These include: 

A middle school and a high school in Long Beach—both called Intellectual Virtues Academy—that also have an intellectual character-based curriculum. 

Professor Genia Schönbaumsfeld’s European Research Council Advanced Grant, ‘The Ethics of Doubt: Kierkegaard, Scepticism and Conspiracy Theory’. Professor Schönbaumsfeld will be collaborating on the construction of several advanced Anteater Virtues modules and will also integrating these modules into the curriculum at her home institution, University of Southampton, UK. 

A project at Universidad Austral in Buenos Aeries, Argentina, that is also exploring integrating educating for virtuous intellectual character into a University-level curriculum.