
For UCI Students

UCI’s Division of Undergraduate Education has a dedicated webpage offering advice for students on making use of the Anteater Virtues modules: 

As explained there, you can self-enroll in the modules using this link: 

In addition, there is also the option to self-enroll in the ‘Integrity’ module only, using this link: 

Note that students don’t need to take these modules as part of a UCI course, as the modules are available to all UCI students, regardless of whether they have been assigned to you by faculty. 

For UCI Faculty

UCI’s Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) has a dedicated webpage offering advice for faculty on making use of the Anteater Virtues modules: 

This webpage offers tips on using these modules in your courses. In particular, you can at present either make use of the modules as a whole (including selecting from them as you see fit) or assigning only the ‘Integrity’ module. If you would like to check-out the syllabus for the full set of modules, then this is available here. Faculty can encourage their students to self-enroll for the full set of Anteater Virtues modules using this link: 

Alternatively, if you wish for your students to only self-enroll on the ‘Integrity’ module, then give them this link: 

We will be adding supporting educational materials for the Anteater Virtues modules in due course, so please keep watching this space. 

For Non-UCI Students and Teachers

There is a completely free public version of the full set of the Anteater Virtues modules available to everyone who is interested in using them, whether an individual or an educational institution. Here is the link: 

In addition, we will in due course be providing supporting educational materials to help with the use of these modules in an educational setting.

If you are interested in employing the Anteater Virtues in your educational establishment—whether it be a university, community college, high school or wherever—and you would like further information from the project team about how best to do this, then please contact the project Director, Professor Duncan Pritchard, directly at