Category Archives: UCI Anthro

SBSG 3209 and 3217 Room Reservations

Please use the Google calendars* below to reserve these two spaces, located in the Anthro suite. Students may reserve up to 4 hours a week.

*Note: calendars have been updated for the 24-25 academic year.

SBSG 3209: Google Room Calendar (photo below)

SBSG 3217: Google Room Calendar (photo below)

Fieldwork Map

Hi grads,

We want to memoralize and share all your fieldwork locations on our Fieldwork Map (located in the Anthro suite). During or after your fieldwork, please add your name, location, and research title to the Google sheet below.

UCI Anthropology Fieldwork Map

Safe travels and happy data collecting!

Welcome 2023-24 Anthro Grad Reps!

Yay to Maeve McAllister and Sarah Stanley for being our new Grad Reps for the year! If you’d like to contant them, plesase reach out to:


Please utilize your Grad Handbook as your central guide to the Anthropology Department’s graduate program, including all the requirements, expectations, processes and milestones that you will encounter as an Anthropology graduate student at UC Irvine.