2017 Call for Papers


Anthropology in Transit | 9th Annual Graduate Student Conference
April 28-29, 2017
Department of Anthropology | UC Irvine

Antagonism as an ethnographic object is central to anthropological analysis. Antagonisms are also always immanent to the process of anthropological knowledge production and the practice of ethnography. The 9th Annual Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, UC Irvine makes a call for an inquiry into configurations of antagonisms germane to anthropological practice and theorization, as well as the study of worlds with lived hostilities. We hope that a focus on antagonisms will put into productive conversation two key avenues of anthropological and social-humanistic concerns: a) around continuity and change, understanding of social, definitions of conflict and politics b) methodological and genealogical concerns around exclusions and inclusion in representation, research design and theorization, colonialism and ethical considerations ever present in the production of cultural knowledges.

Anthropology’s relations with difference and diversity as it is enmeshed through gradients of identity, representation, contrary multiplicity, and translation – has been critical for challenging universal epistemic models and totalizing dualisms of self/other, nature/culture, interior/exterior contexts. Some broad questions that inform our focus on antagonisms include: How might we aim for a production of knowledges that is mindful of ever-present antagonisms, subtle and overt in the contemporary present now? How can an awareness of antagonisms be conducive to navigating realities of micro aggressions and violence that occupy a diversity of perspectives in local and global senses? What would an examination of antagonisms reveal about the challenges of contending with theoretical and methodological practices in the work of anthropology? We welcome contributions from all areas of anthropological and related disciplinary inquiries, not limited to the questions listed here, that explore what counts or emerges as antagonisms.

Dr. Keisha-Khan Y. Perry (Brown University) will be delivering the keynote address for the conference.

Abstract submission of no more than 300 words should be mailed by February 25, 2017 to anthropologyintransit@gmail.com​. Please include your name, affiliation, progress in graduate school, and 3-5 keywords. Conference activities begin the morning of Friday, April 28, and end the afternoon of Saturday, April 29. Events will be held on the UC Irvine campus and surrounding areas within walking distance. Accommodations and on-campus parking will be available with UC Irvine graduate students. We especially welcome submissions from graduate students who have not yet presented their work at a major conference. Please note:

Conference Dates: ​April 28-29, 2017
Notification of acceptance: ​March 20, 2016
Deadline for full-paper submission: ​April 5, 2017