Quick Post-Trip Note (primarily: group meetings deferred until next 10/26)

Dear Art 251,

Thank you for a fabulous site visit. So fabulous, in fact, that I find myself mildly depressed upon returning to reality. Truth is, I’d rather be pouring all of my energy into the Burns opportunity than deal with the other tasks (read: dumpster fires) on my plate.

We discussed meeting this Wednesday evening (10/19) to discuss your service projects. Let’s defer these until next Wednesday evening (10/26). These can be Zoom, in-person, or a hybrid. We’ll be in touch with further details about these meetings and the various projects.  

Here are your service project teams. We may make some adjustments to these to best suit the projects. We’re also going to finalize adjustments to the projects themselves. We’ll make these adjustments by this Wednesday. In the meantime, make contact, particularly with those who weren’t able to join us.

Team 1: Jiryis, Zack B, Raechel, James (and Jacob)

Team 2: Zachary K-G, Laura, Teerath, Beatriz

Tean 3: Alyssa, Grant, Lisa, Lia

Team 4: Jeevika, Brian, Oliver, Lauren  

(Melissa, originally in Team 1, is going to make us a CAD model of the shop.)

More soon. Please let us know if you have any immediate questions.
