Burns Piñon Plans for Spring 2023

Hi everyone,

Winter has nearly come and gone with not so many Arts trips to Burns, though I was out there briefly in the snow last weekend. (The new glass panes survive, just as we left them.)

We’ll get things rolling again in the Spring! Liz and I were just too busy this quarter. Plus the nonstop rain.

Some fun updates:

We’re in UCI Magazine. Only the PDF has a picture, so I’m attaching it. Page 21.

Liz, Zach and I will be sharing the project (and whatever transpires this Spring!) at two conferences, HASTAC 2023 and ASLE/AESS 2023. Brooklyn! Portland! 

Several of you have also completed some Burns-derived/inflected/inspired work, which is amazing. If you haven’t shared anything like this with me already, please do. I use these “rapid results” to continue to make the case for our presence out there. 

Hiroshi Clark, lith print in progress, 2023

More concrete plans to follow! Have a great end of quarter.