Thank You!

Dear Liz, Lauren, Mona (CTSA MFA), and Raechel (EcoEvo Phd), 

On behalf of the Claire Trevor School of the Arts and UCI NATURE, I wanted to thank you again for your efforts out at the Burns Pinion Ridge Reserve last weekend. 

Over the course of three days, our cross-school collaborative team filled a 40 yard dumpster to the brim with waste and delivered 5440lbs of metal to the recycling center. The shop space is now largely empty and ready for the next steps — further cleaning, fitting lights, fixing the windows, building some flexible furniture, and (most importantly) demonstrating how art-and-ecology programming can work in the space and site. These improvements will all be designed to facilitate other users of the space.

We’ll be doing this work in the context of a grad seminar I’ll be offering next Fall and (hopefully) some Illuminations funded programming next Winter. Details to follow! For now, thank you again.

