Reminders for 11/16

Dear Art 251,

Your bullets for this week are below. Please review, and see some of you on Zoom tonight.

But first, many (many) thanks to Liz for her labors in this course. 

Statement of Support for UC Graduate Academic Workers
Department of Art, UCI

The faculty in the Department of Art at the University of California at Irvine support the Teaching Assistants, Teaching Associates, and Graduate Student Researchers, represented by the UAW 265, the UAW 5810, and the SRU-UAW, as they negotiate with the University for a contract that includes fair wages, affordable housing, childcare support, support for international and disabled scholars, and protection from workplace abuse of any kind. The UCI Art Department has historically been aligned with diversity, racial, social and economic justice. We recognize the centrality of the work that students undertake in meeting the intellectual, pedagogical, and community-related commitments of our campus and the system. We support workers’ rights to organize and the union’s decision to strike, as these basic qualities of life are an issue of social justice. We call upon UCOP to negotiate in good faith with the UAW to find a solution that recognizes the vital labor of these student workers.

(My department has been dithering about actually sending this out. Getting it to you know. May a resolution be forthcoming!)

Now, bullets. 

  • Please re-read, one last time, the 11/2 list (also found below) and make sure you’ve done all the things.
    • Thank you for some posts. If you haven’t already — and many of you haven’t — please join our course website and contribute one thing! Anything! The Shed Wires Trio
    • Speaking of posts, I made a few for a few of you.
      • The Thresholds, for team Outdoor Improvements
      • The Sheet Metal, for team Glazing Removal and Replacement and possibly others. There’s a large stockpile of this material. Note that I brought some back for you. Also Interior Elevations.
      • The Pipes, for Obi and others. Obi, I brought back a small section.
      • Elevations of The Throne Room, for team Interior Storage. (Have you pondered the blue material yet? Let’s discuss tonight.)
      • Reflected Ceiling Image, for team Interior Lighting and Power. Also The Lampshades.
      • Lastly, The Plan, a wholly inadequate drawing for Melissa. As she knows, a decent model is a project unto itself.
    • You’ll note that my posts are fast and loose. Yours should be too. Make them from your phones! Make one now! 
    • Have you contributed to the Collaborative Reader yet? I’m going to begin chasing you down individually next week.
  • Schedule for this Wednesday @
    • 6:30-7:00: Interior Storage | Obi, Brian, Lauren, and Jeevika
    • 7:00-7:30: Outdoor Improvements | Teerath, Beatriz, and Laura
    • 7:30-8:00: 3D Model | Melissa
    • 8:00-9:30: Creative Activity meetings by request (book with Liz Jesse) <– no bookings so far! please let me know.
  • I’d be happy to meet with anyone tonight about anything. (Jimmy et al, perhaps we should talk lights again. You could also bomb Melissa’s meeting. Will reply to your email.) 

A final reminder that your creative activity proposal is due as a post on the site by November 23.

No meeting next week, and possibly no email from me, even. Happy Thanksgiving in advance!

One major change: we’re going to meet on Zoom (not in person) on November 30. (I’ll be in Korea.) Details to follow. This will primarily be a “final planning for our December trip” meeting. All purchases need to be executed by this date. 

Lastly, a reminder that our core trip will be Sunday morning to Thursday afternoon, 12/10-12/15. Many of us will be arriving Saturday night and leaving Friday morning (encouraged!), but formally scheduled activities will be contained within the five days. Anticipate about two days of site improvement work, two days of creative project time, and a day of group activity. 

