Hi Kathleen,
It was our pleasure!
Here are some other links for you. I can send any photos you might want.
“Before” photos (just posted!)
Post about how much we cleared out (with Art MFAs Liz Stringer, Lauren Goldenberg, Mona Welch, and EcoEvo PhD Raechel Hill, all since graduated -— the original crew, and (less Mona) the lead organizers of the 2022-23 efforts. Liz Stringer in particular should be acknowledged as the co-instructor of the Fall 2022 grad seminar and the energy behind much of that year’s work.)
Fall 2022 Grad Seminar summary
Fall 2022 Grad Seminar final email
which I note makes reference to my own “ride from the snow to the sorta-Salton” video capture project early process work from which can be found here
but Suburban Ecologies is probably better as an example of my own (related) work, with Santa Ana Fall Line as perhaps the most related to things I’m imagining doing myself at Burns.
A lot I realize!
Happy Monday,
On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 9:23 AM Kathleen Wong <Kathleen.Wong@ucop.edu> wrote:
Dear Jesse,
Thanks again for setting up the interview opportunity with you and your students yesterday.
I also appreciate your sending everyone’s names, affiliations emails to help me obtain more supporting materials for the article.
Best regards,
______________ Kathleen Wong
Director of Communications, UC Natural Reserve SystemCommunications Lead, Research & Innovation
1111 Franklin St., Oakland CA 94607