Burns Pinion Trip Updates | May 5-7

Good Morning Everyone!

We are just days away from our trip to Burns Pinion, here are some updates and tips:


To clean up the Burns Pinion Workshop through dumping materials and driving certain items to the recycling center

General Schedule:

  • Thursday
    • arrive and food is picked up on the way
    • dumpster is delivered 
    • begin dumping and sorting
  • Friday
    • deliver anything that needs to go the recycling center
    • keep dumping and sorting
  • Saturday – 
    • keep dumping and sorting
    • deliver anything that needs to go the recycling center
    • basic cleaning of the shop (sweeping, etc)
    • Leave later that night back to LA/Irvine regions


  • Food will be provided, I am working with Mona to come up with cost effective and delicious meals. 
  • Please let me know ASAP if you have any food restrictions or if you need any special items of food or drinks:) (Or just items that you generally will not eat, for example – I am a weird texture person for example so dont like jello or custard like textures)
    • I will have coffee and tea there
  • bring a reusable water bottle, there is a filter


  • Weather forecast attached below, we are in the high desert so although it is cooler than most desert regions Sunscreen and a hat is a MUST! 
  • Feel free to bring shorts and a tank – we are providing coveralls for the dirtier parts of the trip
  • shoes, sneakers/hiking boots are fine – but if you have steel toe work boots it’s not a bad idea to have them on this trip


  • Please bring a sleeping bag or other blankets and a pillow for you to sleep with – Burns Pinion has bunk beds and general bedding but I definitely think we would like to bring our own. I have an extra sleeping bag if you need one!


  • Please keep your receipts if you are driving! 
  • Driving Instructions Attached below, along with the address to plug into the car

Safety and Protection:

  • We will have gloves, masks, and other PPE provided but if you have a more heavy duty respirator feel free to bring it! (I am bringing 2 extra heavy duty respirators)


  • My number is 562.706.2672 – Raechel, if you could text me, although the reception out there is muddled this will help with faster coordination of everyone during the week. 

Let me know if you have any other questions and Ill see you soon:) 


