For Our Meetings Next Wednesday, 10/26

Dear Art 251,

Please forgive any lack of rhetorical flourish, this message is almost entirely about service project logistics.

Further to Tuesday’s message, here are our next steps.

First, a few thoughts about the project space, previously known as the shop building. (What should we call it?) Our 251 group will be executing the first steps of what I expect will be several rounds of improvements to this structure in order to make it more suitable for a variety of future activities. I expect to be “project managing” these improvements for some time. I want to make sure that anything we do has this bigger picture in mind, and is as neutral, minimal, and modular as possible. Please don’t be perturbed if I’m somewhat prescriptive about these service projects. Buildings are my specific expertise, and I’ll be making sure that we proceed judiciously. Some of my prescriptions will be designed to keep the scope of these projects reasonable: I’m aiming for no more than two days of work per person, in order to maximize time for your self-expression projects. This still adds up to over thirty person-days of energy, which, if we’re well organized, should go a very long way. 

In this spirit, I’ve narrowed our projects down a bit, and redistributed a few elements between the groups. Some of these activities can proceed in parallel, but this is the rough order of operations.

Project 1 | Stripping and Cleaning | Liz and Jesse

Liz and I will organize this effort but we’ll need everyone’s help. We’re going to remove the defunct electrical and lighting systems, most of the remaining wood framing, some extraneous cladding, and, after some debate, the toilet. Followed by sweeping, power-washing, and vacuuming on repeat. We’ll try to get this done in the first two days but, as with any construction project, it will be ongoing. 

Project 2 | Glazing Removal and Replacement | Alyssa, Grant, Lisa, and Lia

Team Windows seems to have a good handle on this—thank you. This will be a key step to returning the structure to a “friendly” state. The existing plate glass is very dangerous so we’ll establish clear protocols for removing and disposing of this waste.

Project 3 | Interior Lighting and Power | Jimmy (and Jacob), Zack B, Jiryis, and Raechel

This group—which includes our lighting designers!—is going to specify a new suspended grid of light and power. This project will need to be value engineered. My hope is that we can install a PoE lighting system. I’m trying to find us a consultant for this. (Have a meeting tonight.) This will keep the load on our breaker down, and anticipate a future solar array. It should also allow for temperature adjustable LEDs. (Think: programmable dance party!) Team Lights, for now, do some reading up on these technologies. Also think about pull-down power. All of the above should be suspended from the ceiling in some clean and easy way.

Project 4 | Interior Storage | Obi, Brian, Lauren, and Jeevika

This project shifted a bit right as we were leaving. Obi and I (and others) talked through the potential of the interior metal framing (around the toilet), and concluded that we should design an interior storage area. I have a line on some reclaimed blue acrylic sheets that should glow if we backlight them. This will be the one aesthetic flourish that we’ll introduce. We can use this blue acrylic elsewhere as our signature material. (Some dedicated signs on wheels, for example.)

Project 5 | Outdoor Improvements | Teerath, Beatriz, and Laura

This group is going to consider how we bring people to the project space from the outside. The main task is rebuilding a path to the south entrance, and thinking through how to improve the other openings. The one to the west is currently a fall hazard, but has a beautiful view of San Gorgonio. (Idea here: move the existing half door frame to the bottom and make it latch?) The one to the east reveals the ugly driveway and container, which we’re going to leave as-is for now. (Idea here: actually cover this opening up, and get the garage door working again?)

Zachary K-G and Melissa have been seconded to other projects. I’ve also added our lead documentarian Hiroshi to this thread.

Future projects — by future groups — will include fabricating new doors, pouring self-levelling concrete over the west side floor, going full solar, exterior lighting, and achieving air-tightness. I’ll be doing some prep work for these and other future projects while we’re out there in December.

Lastly, note that I’m going back to the site 11/10-14 to consider all of the above in light of our design decisions, which should be fully specified by 11/9. (I’m mostly going back to ride my bike.) If anyone needs any measurements, images, or would like to join me, please let me know.

That’s all for now. Remember that we’ll be meeting in-person again on 11/2. I’ll write to you about what we need for this meeting separately, next week.

