The 2023 North American Annual Meeting of the ASL will be held March 25-29 at the University of California, Irvine.
Program Committee
Rahim Moosa (Waterloo | Chair)
Matt Foreman (UC Irvine)
Marijn Heule (Carnegie Mellon)
Teresa Kouri Kissel (Old Dominion)
Tim McNicholl (Iowa State)
Local Organizing Committee
Matt Foreman
Isaac Goldbring (Chair)
Toby Meadows
Kai F. Wehmeier
Martin Zeman
Plenary Speakers
Tomás Ibarlucía (IMJ-PRG)
Jakob Nordström (Copenhagen)
Dino Rossegger (UC Berkeley)
Ralf Schindler (Münster)
Nicholas Ramsey (Notre Dame)
Maureen Eckert (UMass Dartmouth)
Jindrich Zapletal (Florida)
Tutorial Speakers
Natasha Dobrinen (Notre Dame)
Marcin Sabok (McGill)
Special Sessions
Computability Theory
organizers: Johanna N.Y. Franklin and Matthew Harrison-Trainor
Descriptive Dynamics
organizers: Su Gao and Stephen C. Jackson
Model Theory
organizers: Özlem Beyarslan and Artem Chernikov
Proof Complexity Beyond Propositional Logic
organizers: Olaf Beyersdorff and Susanna F. de Rezende
Set Theory
organizers: Gabriel Goldberg and Martin Zeman
Women in the History of Logic
organizers: Sophia M. Connell and Frederique Janssen-Lauret
The conference is funded with the support of the following organizations:
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of LPS
- Office of Research
- Grad Division
- School of Physical Sciences
- School of Social Sciences