Second Meeting: November 16th, 2017 (5:15pm)

We will gather for our second meeting on November 16th, after Wes Johnson’s seminar in the Department of Statistics to continue the discussion on comparing objective and subjective Bayes factors

See the announcement of the seminar here:

In particular,  we will discuss the following papers:

Gonen et al (2017) Comparing Objective and Subjective Bayes Factors for the Two-Sample Comparison: The Classification Theorem in Action – The American Statistician

Bem, Utts and Johnson (2011) Must Psychologists Change the Way They Analyze Their Data?  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Berger and Delampady (1987) Testing Precise Hypotheses , Statistical Science

(primarily Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5)

You can find the three papers here:

We expect a lively and opinionated discussion!!

We will bring again pizzas and sodas. Please, RSVP here:





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