Congratulations on your decision to become a bilingual teacher!
This site was primarily created to support future bilingual teachers who are interested in, are enrolled in, or have graduated from our teacher education program. It is also intended for anyone who has an interest in dual language programs. You can follow Bilingual Teacher @Bilingual Teachers on Facebook or @BilingualT on Twitter for the latest updates on this site and other relevant posts. You can also follow current candidates and alumni on Instagram @UCI MAT BAP for posts specifically related to our Bilingual Authorization Program (BAP). If you have graduated from our MAT program, please also join the Bilingual Teacher Network closed group on Facebook to meet other bilingual MAT alumni and master teachers.
For more information about our teacher education programs, please see Master of Arts in Teaching. Prospective students can also attend Information Sessions and Coffee Chats.
Inquiries regarding this site can be sent to: Susan Guilfoyle,