
General Usage



Safety Reminders

  • Do not bring magnetic or electronic equipment inside the 5 Gauss line
  • Never place an empty sample spinner in the magnet

Detailed NMR safety warnings are available here:  Magnet Safety
NMR Horror Stories

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Usage Information

  • The 800Mhz Biomolecular NMR facility serves UCI and outside users
  • Rate for UCI users is $7.00 per hour, please inquire about the rate for the outside users
  • Individuals who have undergone user training, been checked-out, and have reviewed and understand the Facility’ safety rules may independently operate the spectrometer without direct supervision.
  • Individuals who have not undergone training and been checked-out may submit samples to be run by Facility Staff. This option is recommended for users who have infrequent need for NMR, or for those who have occasional need of advanced techniques.
  • Users are not allowed to operate the spectrometer or to run Varian VnmrJ software remotely. Connection to the spectrometer’s computer will be closely monitored.

NMR Tubes

Only Wilmad 528-PP or better NMR tubes, or their equivalent, are approved for use in this NMR Facility. For best results on Varian 800MHz, Wilmad 535-PP (or 542-PP) NMR tube is strongly recommended. Users must use Wilmad 542-PP NMR tube if you want to spin the sample. Tubes must be kept externally CLEAN! Chipped or cracked NMR tubes are not allowed in the NMR spectrometer. The use of a substandard and/or dirty NMR tube can damage the NMR spectrometer’s probe. Probe damage and instrument downtime resulting from the use of a substandard NMR tube will be charged to the research group responsible for the damage.

Financial Responsibility for Charges and Damages

The principal investigators of NMR users are responsible for damages that result from either negligent use of the spectrometer/equipment or from samples that are explosive, pressurized, chemically corrosive, radioactive, biologically dangerous, or that otherwise pose unusual hazards to the spectrometer or personnel. In all such cases, prior permission and advice should be sought regarding to these special samples, but permission does not absolve any user from responsibility for whatever harm their samples may cause to the Facility. The Facility will cover normal wear and tear on the equipment.

Biohazaradous Materials and Chemicals

The NMR Facility is not equipped with the laboratory bench; hence all sample preparation must be done at the users’ lab. Biomaterial and chemical wastes must be disposed in the users’ lab.

Data Storage

It is possible to retrieve data over the internet. The spectrometer’s computer in the Facility does NOT serve data storage purposes. It is users’ responsibility to backup their data. The Facility Staff will retain the right to delete any data residing the hard disk for more than two months without issuing warnings.

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Basic 1D NMR on Varian instruments
2D NMR on Varian instruments

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