Title: Brownian dynamics simulation reveals how properties of the cargo and its environment can influence multiple motor transport

Abstract: Active transport of subcellular cargos along microtubules is essential for organization and function of eukaryotic cells. While we understand much about how single motors are able to generate force to accomplish this transport, it is still unclear how these motors work in the small groups often present on cellular cargos. Furthermore, little is understood about how properties of the cargo itself and properties of its environment can influence how cargos are transported. To investigate how these properties may influence transport in the cell, we developed a 3D Brownian dynamics simulator of cargo transport which includes cargo shape and motor location on the cargo. The end goal of the simulator is to study cargo dynamics in complex microtubule networks, including at microtubule intersections, and to decipher the effects of cargo composition, including surface-fluid properties of vesicular cargos and lipid droplets, which have previously been challenging to simulate. Simulations reveal that changes in cargo or environment properties can drive cargos toward distinct transport outcomes, opening the way for environment-based cargo sorting and, ultimately, navigation and cell-scale spatial organization.

Note: I will be looking for feedback on the 7 minute talk I will give at the American Physical Society March Meeting the following week.