Jinsu Kim, German Enciso Lab

Title: Stochatically modeled reaction networks: stability and mixing times Abstract: A reaction network is a graphical configuration that describes an interaction between species (molecules). If the abundances of the network system is small, then the randomness...

Srikiran Chandrasekaran, Sunny Jiang Lab

Abstract: According to the CDC, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (or MRSA) is responsible for over 80,000 cases/year and 11,000 deaths/year in the US. To develop better regulatory policies and public health measures, we need to quantify the human health...

Alexandria Volkening, Ohio State University

Title: Modeling stripe and mutated skin pattern formation on zebrafish Abstract: Wild-type zebrafish (Danio rerio) feature black and yellow stripes across their body and fins, but mutants display a range of altered patterns, including spots and labyrinth curves. All...