Pavan Nayak, Thomas Schilling Lab

Title: Investigating Novel Gene Function and Mechanotransduction in Vertebrate Tendon Development Abstract: Cells regularly experience physical stressors such as mechanical force and respond to them using a variety of biological processes and signaling pathways. How...

Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers University

Title: Personalized Medicine and Immune Checkpoint Therapy Abstract: Traditional methods of cancer treatment, still widely practiced, are based on tumor histology/morphology. However, they often result in poor treatment outcome. At most cancer centers, there is a...

Trini Nguyen, Jun Allard Lab

Title: Intermediate Binding States, Motor Length, and Rigidness Affect Intracellular Transport Abstract: Organelles, vesicles, and other cargoes are transported throughout the eukaryotic cell. One type of transport is by motor proteins in the kinesin and dynein...

Leo Lagunes, Bardwell and Enciso Labs

Title: Scaffolding, Multisite Phosphorylation and Other Mechanisms of Signal Transduction Regulation Abstract: Protein activity is often regulated by ligand binding or by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation. Moreover, proteins that are regulated...