Why is this study being done?
Obesity is a major problem in our society resulting in many health conditions. Chronic stress induces behavioral and biological changes leading to obesity. African Americans and Hispanics experience high stress levels in our society which may partly explain ethnic differences in obesity-related health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
We are studying the effects of stress on diet, activity and hormone patterns in African-American, Caucasian and Hispanic adolescent females. With a better understanding of how stress affects behavioral and biological changes related to obesity, we will advocate for public policy changes to address social and biological stress in addition to nutrition and exercise (currently the primary focus in schools). We can also develop more effective treatments for obesity-related problems.
What does this study involve?
This study involves 3 in-person visits and 1 home visit and participants can receive up to $390 for their time and effort, as well as compensation for mileage to/from study visits.
- Visit 1 (about 4 hours): Teens and parents/guardians participate in interviews and questionnaires. Teens are also asked to provide a small blood sample by finger prick.
- Visit 2 (home visit): Teens will wear a watch-like device on their wrist for 1 week which will record their activity. They will also be asked to collect saliva samples for 2 days at home and participate in phone interviews about their sleeping, eating, and activity patterns.
- Visits 3 & 4 (about 5 hours each): Teens will be given breakfast and then asked to relax and watch pre-approved movies, etc. for about 2.5 hours. They will then participate in a 15-minute task (either relaxation or presentation), collect some saliva samples, and be given a buffet lunch. At one of these visits, teens will also provide a blood sample, a small hair sample, and participate in a scan that measures body composition.
Are we eligible to participate?
We are recruiting girls ages 13 – 17 who identify as Black/African American, Hispanic/Latina, or White/Caucasian, and their parent or legal guardian.
To find out if you are eligible to participate, please call or text us at (949) 445-6254, or click the button below to request a call, text, or email from a study coordinator!
Check out our recruitment flyers below, and share them with your friends!
Additional Studies Available for Participation:
Please note that participating in the following studies require enrollment in the Eating Patterns & Activity Study. If interested in participating, please contact the study team to find out more information.
CHOC FibroScan Study:
This study requires completing a liver FibroScan at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). The liver FibroScan is a specialized ultrasound machine to gauge the health of the liver and measure its stiffness. This will consist of 1 visit and the assessment should take about 30 minutes. You will be compensated $25 for completing the assessment, as well as compensation for mileage to/from study visits.
This study is supported by CHOC.
Cardiovascular (“CVD”) Study:
Please see the Cardiovascular (“CVD”) Study page for more information.