Welcome to the Drama 101: Theatre Production/Crew Overview Here you will find some useful information about participating in Drama 101 at UC Irvine including the Claire Trevor School of the Arts Run Crew Procedures and Expectations. Please read through all of the information below and choices within Shop Crew and Show prior to completing your Drama 101 Crew Request Form (by hovering your cursor over the menu above “Crew Call” > the click on “Drama 101 Crew Request Form” which will be available) in Week 0 of Fall Quarter for Fall Drama 101 Assignments or around Week 7-8 of Fall/Winter Quarter for Winter/Spring Drama 101 Assignments respectively.
Welcome to the wonderful world of 101 CREW!
Welcome to the UC Irvine Claire Trevor School of the Arts and your door to opportunity!Drama 101 Theatre Production: required academic courses (based upon the requirements of both Dance and Drama majors) that provide you opportunities to supplement your educational experience, to network with others, and to support your colleagues in the production process. As denoted in the UCI General Catalogue (B.A. or B.F.A. in Drama or Dance):
- New Drama majors/Freshman need to complete 8 units total to graduate; 4 units in their first year of residency in order to audition and avoid the delinquency list.
- Transfer Drama majors:
- Sophomores need to complete 6 units total to graduate; 4 units in their first year of residency in order to audition and avoid the delinquency list.
- Juniors and Seniors: 4 units in their first year of residency in order to audition and avoid the delinquency list.
- Dance Majors: 4 units in their first year of residency in order to audition and avoid the delinquency list.
Drama 101 Options: Drama 101: Show Crew: When you enroll in one of the Drama 101 Show Crew areas (Scenic, Costumes, Lighting, Audio, Stage Management), units will be determined by the specific show you are signed up for. Please note that the stage manager of each show determines all grades for all show crews.
- To enroll in Drama 101: Show Crew – Complete the Drama 101 Crew Request Form (by hovering your cursor over the menu above “Crew Call & Calendar” >the click on “Drama 101 Crew Request Form”) online before the quarter deadline. Priority is given by the denoted grade level (and within each level by experience and the time at which you completed your form). Based upon your request, you may be offered a position on Show Crew no later than the day after the deadline. To accept the Crew position and enroll in Drama 101, you must stop back into the Production Office with your class schedule prior to the end of the week
- Note: Priority will be given in this order: Graduate Students, Senior, Junior Transfers, First Year Students, then Juniors, then Sophomores – within each section, priority will be based upon experience and the time you completed this survey
- Alternative Option for Drama 101: Show Crew: Stage Management (101 D): Attend the ASM/PA Recruitment Meeting in the Fall for informal Show Crew/SM introductions and/or review this information and complete the ASM/PA Recruitment Form
- Occasionally there are special D101 Opportunities that are announced as needed
Drama 101: Shop: When you enrolled in one of the Drama 101 Shop areas (Scenic, Props, Costume, Lighting, Audio), your units will be earned by hours accrued. For every 30 hours accrued you will receive 1 unit. Please note that all grades for shop crews are determined in consultation with the Shop Supervisors and the Production Manager. To enroll in Drama 101: Shop Crew, attend the Shop Head Meeting at the Production Office or talk to the Shop Head directly. You may be contacted for a follow-up interview or offered a position within the week. If offered a Shop Crew position, return to the Production Office and enroll prior to the end of Week 2.
- The grading framework is that if you complete your tasks in a proficient manner, your base grade will be an A or A –
- If you are exceptional, your base grade will be an A+ or A
- If you do not complete your tasks in a developing manner, your base grade will be a A- or B+
As it is essential that you are there for your crew calls, failure to attend any required calls, technical or dress rehearsals or performance will result in a failure of the class. Being late or missing any scheduled performance is not acceptable and will automatically lower your grade by one entire grade level for each incident, for example, if you had an A you would drop to a B and you would negatively impact the entire show. If you need to be late or absent for any reason (or have any symptoms of communicable diseases), contact you Production Stage Manager, Crew Chief, Direct Supervisor, or Area Head immediately and in advance of your call to evaluate your options.
Please note that Adjunct Faculty Shay Garber is the instructor of record for all 101 classes in 2024-2025.
Drama 101 Crew Request Forms available online via the menu above (by hovering your cursor over the menu above “Crew Call” > the click on “Drama 101 Crew Request Form” which will be available) in Week 0 of Fall Quarter for Fall Drama 101 Assignments or around Week 7-8 of Fall/Winter Quarter for Winter/Spring Drama 101 Assignments respectively.
Here is our 24-25 D101 Enrollment schedule:
Fall 24 (F24)D101 Interest Survey Opens: Wed, Sep 25 (W0)
F24 D101 Interest Survey Closes: Wed, Oct 1 (W1)
F24 D101 Interest Survey Sorting/Assign: Wed, Oct 1 (W1)
F24 Enrollment Window: Sept 19-Oct 11 (ends F24 W2)
Winter 25 (W25) D101 Interest Survey Opens: Nov 11 (F24 W7)
W25 D101 Interest Survey Closes: Nov 18 (F24 W8)
W25 D101 Interest Survey Sorting/Assign: Nov 19 (F24 W8)
W25 New Student Enrollment: Nov 18-Dec 6 (F24 W8-10)
W25 Continuing Student First Enrollment: Dec 6-16 (F24 Finals)
W25 Second Enrollment Window: Dec 19-Jan 17 (ends W25 W2)
Spring 25 (S25) D101 Interest Survey Opens: Feb 17 (W25 W7)
S25 D101 Interest Survey Closes: Feb 24 (W25 W8)
S25 D101 Interest Survey Sorting/Assign: Feb 24 (W25 W8)
S25 New Student Enrollment: Feb 24 – Mar 12 (W9-10)
S25 Continuing Student First Enrollment: Mar 12-17 (W25 Finals)
S25 Second Enrollment Window: Mar 20-April 11 (ends S25 W2)
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Drama 101 Coordinator Team at production@uci.edu or individually:
Adjunct D101 Faculty Shay Garber
DJ Maloney <maloneyd@uci.edu>
Daniel Rosales <drosale9@uci.edu>
Jo McEvoy <mcevoyj@uci.edu>
Sammie Moore <mooresd@uci.edu>
Jolana Villarreal <jolanav@uci.edu>
Additional Grad SMs as needed.