Drama 101 Show Crew

Show Crew Production Assignments Drama 101 Show Crew give you the opportunity to work directly on a specific show and as such you will be called to be available during that specific show’s schedule (by hovering your cursor over the menu above “Crew Call & Calendar” > “Drama 101 Overview” > “Drama 101 Show Crew” > then select the specific crew calendar you’re considering). Specific show call details are updated as soon as possible and are subject to reasonable change. Note: you can not miss your call without an academic penalty and shows in tech do rehearse over holidays.

  • Scenic/Props Crew: Members of the scenic crew will work backstage on a show, under the supervision of the stage management team. The scenic crew is in charge of all props, furniture, and scenery during the show, and is involved in setting and putting away any hand props, completing scenic change-overs and running the fly system.  Their job starts on the first day of tech.
  • Costume Crew: Costume crew interacts more closely with the performers than any other crew member on a show. The costume crew in charge of setting costumes out before a show and checking them back in after, helping to make minor repairs to costumes, ironing and steaming, and any quick changes that happen during a show. The costume crew may also help with make-up and wig or hair changes depending on the complexity of the show. The costume crew members will arrive each day before other crew members to get costumes ready, and will also stay late to do laundry.  Their job starts on the first day of dress rehearsal.
  • Electrics Crew: There are 2 Crew options for working on an Electrics Crew: E-hang and E-run. E-hang crew meets during the day to help hang and focus instruments for the show. E-run stays for the run of the show to do pre-show checks, run follow spot lights, and run the light board.  Both of these crews start their work the day before Load-in at the Electrics Orientation (6-8 pm).
  • Audio Crew: Audio crew members will help with any pre-show set ups that need to be done – like setting speakers outside – and will serve as sound assistants backstage. If the show is using wireless microphones, the audio crew will help place those mics on the performers and troubleshoot any issues during the show.  The audio crew starts at audio load-in.
  • Production Assistant/ASM/Stage Management Crew: Production Assistants (or PAs) are interviewed and “hired” by the Stage Manager in charge of the show.   In this crew, you will most likely attend all rehearsals for the show and function as a member of the stage management team. Your responsibilities may include taking line and blocking notes, tracking props and costume pieces helping to set up and break down before and after rehearsals, and supervising crew members. Most PA assignments are worth 4 course units.  This crew starts on the first day of rehearsal if not before.

If one of these Drama 101 Show Crews sound right for you, complete the Drama 101 Crew Request Form (by hovering your cursor over the menu above “Crew Call” > the click on “) to be considered for one of these roles.

The Enrollment Process:

After the due date of completing the Drama 101 Request Form, you will be contacted with your potential assignment. Please confirm via email and come into the D101 Office (NEW LOCATION) just outside the Drama Office (which is in the Drama Building up the yellow staircase across from the Callboard that is across from the Green Room Cafe) within the designated time to confirm that you do not have conflicts and that you can complete the Drama 101 course expectations in order to get your “add code” to add the course.  It is recommended that you come to the Drama 101 Office on a weekday (specific hours are listed above under the “Crew Call” menu item “D101 Office Hours”). If you do not enroll in your Crew assignment at the D101 Office during the requested time, your Crew assignment may be given to another interested student. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Drama 101 Coordinator Team at production@uci.edu