Survey Overview

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The California Wildfire and Flooding Survey (CALWAFS) is documenting resident awareness of environmental hazards to help community officials and organizations prepare for natural disasters.

Launched in May 2023, CALWAFS is gathering perspectives about wildfires, mudslides, and flooding from residents of mountainous areas of southern California that could experience wildfires and from those living along streams or channels near wildland areas that could be at-risk of flooding during an extreme storm after a major wildfire.

A group of hazards researchers at University of California, Irvine are conducting this research to better understand how people perceive the risks associated with wildfires, floods and mudslides. By taking this survey, you can help us better understand how to mitigate these risks and create a safer future for all.


A wildfire, also known as a forest fire or bushfire, is an uncontrolled fire that occurs in areas with combustible vegetation. Wildfires can be caused by natural events, such as lightning strikes, or human activities, such as campfires, cigarettes, or intentional arson.


A flood is a natural disaster that occurs when a body of water, such as a river, lake, or ocean, overflows and inundates land that is usually dry. Floods can be caused by a variety of factors, including heavy rainfall, snowmelt, storm surges, or dam failures.


A mudslide, also known as a debris flow or landslide, is a rapid movement of mud, rocks, soil, and other debris down a slope, usually caused by heavy rainfall or other natural events that destabilize the soil. Mudslides typically occur in hilly or mountainous areas.

More about CALWAFS

This survey aims to gather information on how individuals perceive the risks associated with these natural disasters. By understanding how people perceive and respond to risks, we can better prepare and mitigate the effects of such events. We hope to gain insights into what factors influence risk perceptions, such as past experience, knowledge, and exposure to media coverage. The results of this survey will be used to improve disaster management strategies and increase community resilience.

Did you Received a Postcard Invitation to Take this Survey?

If so, we invite you to use the QR code or the survey link on the postcard to share your experience on the survey! In appreciation of your participation, you will be entered into drawing for a 1 in 10 chance to receive a $20 gift card. The survey is available on English and Español.