CAMP2014 Piazza Site

I’ve created a Piazza class called CAMP2014.

The Piazza site allows you to ask a question, provide an answer to someone else’s question, or simply make a statement/announcement (a “Note”). A Note can be edited by other group members, and thus could potentially become a little mini-Wiki. There’s also a EEE Wiki for this course, which might be more suitable for freeform wikiing if class members really get into creating a repository of information for the class.

Piazza has a couple advantages over the EEE MessageBoard structure, such as a Mobile App, personalization of your own feed of messages, etc.

We’ll use the Piazza group as the primary forum for questions and answers (and subsequent discussions) in the course, rather than the EEE MessageBoard. I’ll continue to post Assignments, Examples, and Blog Posts on this WordPress site, but I’ll check in there regularly, too. I won’t rush to answer questions, though, as I prefer to encourage you to help each other, to engender collegiality and collaboration.