Music 147 assignment for Tuesday April 15, 2014

Participation on the Q&A site is required at least once a week. Ask questions there. Answer questions there.

If you haven’t done it yet, in The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music by Miller Puckette, read the section on “Sinusoids, Amplitude, and Frequency” and its first five subsections, “Measures of Amplitude” through “Synthesizing a Sinusoid”. If you have already read it, re-read it anyway, to reinforce your understanding of it.

Read the blog posts you haven’t read yet.

In the programming language of your choice (C, C++, Objective C, Java), write a program that plots a waveform, or even one that plays a waveform if you’re able. Make a periodic but non-sinusoidal waveform via additive synthesis. (That is, add sinusoids together to create a more complex tone.) Of course you are encouraged to go beyond this basic assignment if you want to and are able to. If you can’t program in any of those languages, build it in MSP and study the plot~ object to see how you can best plot it.

Turn in your assignment in the EEE DropBox called “Sinusoid1”.