Music 147 assignment for Tuesday May 27, 2014

Come to class prepared to do a very brief demonstration of your programming project in progress. It should be a demonstration of what you’ve accomplished so far, the decisions you’ve made, the problems you’ve solved, and the problems that you have not yet solved (to solicit ideas from your classmates).

In preparation for the upcoming discussion of delay-based effects, read the Wikipedia article about the “Circular buffer“. Many interesting audio effects are achieved by combining a sound with a delayed (and possibly altered) version of itself. To delay a sound, one needs to store it for a certain amount of time till (a delayed copy of) it is needed. That storage has to be constantly ongoing when we’re dealing with realtime audio processing, yet we usually also want to dispose of the delayed audio data once it’s no longer needed. Realtime delay of audio is therefore most often achieved by storing the sound in what’s commonly called a ring buffer or a circular buffer.

Study MSP Tutorials 27-31.
27. Delay Lines
28. Delay Lines with Feedback
29. Flanging
30. Chorus
31. Comb Filter