C-CAP TEACH is happy to announce the last recipient of our subawards: the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH)! Pre-Pilot for UNC Student Curators: Pairing College Students and North Carolina Communities to understand the impact of climate change and COVID-19 will be run by C-CAP TEACH Advisory Board Member Chaitra Powell, Curator of UNC-CH’s Southern Historical Collection and Brianna McGruder, Community-Driven Archives Program Manager. An undergraduate student will also be hired to work exclusively on the project.
This project seeks to address two specific problems:
- How should a large academic library, like UNC-Chapel Hill, leverage its extraordinary resources to consider the documentation needs of North Carolina communities most impacted by the health and environmental threats of climate change and COVID-19?
- If we imagine a pilot program for student curators to address problem #1, what are the pieces we will need to have in place to give students, communities, and librarians the best foundation for success?
The Pilot Program for Student Curators is a project UNC-CH hopes to implement where they hire a 5-member undergraduate student cohort to learn about archival processes and engage a community of their choice around climate change and/or COVID-19 issues. UNC-CH wants to de-mystify the process of curation and let students and communities determine what “matters most” in these moments. The subaward from C-CAP TEACH will enable UNC-CH to hire a student worker as well as pay five community stakeholders once identified to help create UNC-CH’s approach to curating collections in their Pilot Program.
C-CAP TEACH wishes UNC-CH the best of luck in planning their Pilot Program!
Written by Rivka Arbetter, C-CAP TEACH Project Coordinator