“Sharing Your Stories Online: A guide for community organizations and their partners” is Published!

We at C-CAP TEACH are thrilled to announce the publication of “Sharing Your Stories Online: A guide for community organizations and their partners”! 

Mizota, S. (2024). Sharing Your Stories Online: A guide for community organizers and their partners. UC Irvine: Community-Centered Archives Practice: Transforming Education, Archives, and Community History (C-CAP TEACH). Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/33j9k9rs.

This handy guide, written by consultant Sharon Mizota, distills the findings from a nationwide survey and series of interviews with community-based archives, community-based organizations doing archival projects, curators, as well as digital collections aggregators into a concrete series of questions and considerations when publishing digital exhibitions and digital archives online. 

This guide is a central piece of the CCAP TEACH initiative, and we hope it will be useful to community-centered archives practitioners across the US for years to come. We are so grateful to be able to present “Sharing Your Stories Online” to the world.